Theoretically you "could" make this board book/album with your cricut in a snap. However, when you can just pick one up in a clearance bin for a buck, why would you?! LOL! I am all about easy peasy (and cheap!) these days unfortunately.
Imagine me in 90 degree weather. No, no, not on a sandy beach with a drink in my hand, wrong image. Lets try again. Picture me in a car with no air conditioning. Hair fried. Nerves frazzled. I am late for dinner, late for "meet the teacher," late, late, late. I detest being behind. I
HATE being late. So what do I do? Stop at the craft store. Does that make any sense??? Yeah, it didn't to me either. But apparently I needed to pick up a friend whose car was having trouble and she was waiting in JoAnn's where it was nice and air conditioned. A dangerous place for someone like me. I have to run through the store like a mad woman to locate her and ... "WHAT WAS THAT?!" "Back up a minute. Hmmm.. Yeah. This is cool. Yeah, I could vinyl this. YEAH!" Grab album, grab friend and I am OFF! Slam down some dinner, toss friend out the door when her next ride shows up, and run like a lady's whose underpants are on fire to the craft room. Are you with me? Still picturing this? Yeah. I was looking GOOD. (Not.) Anyways, grabbed some vinyl, slapped it down on the cricut and while its cutting I write all my pertinent information down on a 3 x5 card to slip inside album to give to teacher. It gets done cutting, I lay down the letters, and BAM! A personalized gift in just moments. I run inside. Add some deoderant, pull up my hair, and meet the kid and hubs in the car. My son insists that its "okay" but no way is he giving it to his teacher. I have to admit, this is probably something you'd give a first grade teacher or something. But hey, it was better than nothing. And what a way to make someone feel special. The teacher loved it. Success! And all done in less than 5 minutes. :) But don't tell I cheated "k"???