Monday, June 28, 2010
Independence Day Drawing
Who wants a FOREVER YOUNG cartridge? Well speak up?! I can't HEAR YOU!!! Louder people!!! What was that? You do? Really? Well if your a follower and you leave me a comment on this post, your entered to win the cartridge. Jaryd will draw on July 5th. Make sure you leave a way for me to get ahold of you. After the drawing I'll give you a couple weeks to claim the prize. After that, you'll forfeit the prize and we'll be forced to redraw if necessary. GOOD LUCK! And happy Independence Day!!!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
U of O Graduation Card
Had a order for a college graduation card for a local school. Their mascot is a duck who looks ALOT like Donald Duck. So I chose to do something resembling him, I hand modified the duck a bit to get the look I wanted. Popped the image off the page then added the graduation cap from A Childs Year. I double popped the cap off the page for a bit more dimension. The person who ordered the card was ecstatic and I think the recipient will really dig it too. GO DUCKS!

Retired - Handyman
I used the everyday paperdolls cart for this one. Cut at 4 3/4" I believe. The toolbox was actually hand cut by me because I couldn't find any old timer type toolboxes and since I had this in my head, nothing else would have fit. LOL! Wrapped his hand around the handle and used stamps from Peachykeen for his face.

Saturday, June 26, 2010
Retirement Card
I have a few orders for retirement and graduation cards this week. On this one I used the Cars cartridge (obviously.) Kind of unusual for a retirement card, I know. But once it popped into my head, I just had to run with it. Ever have those moments? The guy its going to is silly and fun - a true kid at heart. He's 72 and just now getting the opportunity to retire. So I thought I'd remind him that he still had some "wear" yet and to go out and enjoy life. Wishing I'd have chosen a different background paper but at 3 in the morning, I was diggin it. Now, not so much. But I still like the card well enough to send. Can't remember this pit guys name but he was cut at 5". Is it Luigi??? Now, that will drive me nuts. Will have to ask Jaryd about that in the morning. Anyhoo... Here it is:

Wednesday, June 23, 2010
A friend
A dear friend need a shoulder last night. So after a few good cries and some much need girl talk, we got to crafting. Its better than chocolate in our opinion. Chocolate compliments crafting quite well though. LOL!
She wouldn't let me show her cards, but here is what I came up with for a 40th anniversary card for our friends. I just love burgandy!
Got the cuttlebug out for this one and ran threw my stash of knick knacks and baubles for the heart. It didn't need much, I was going for simple and elegant. Because that is what the lady is to me. I am a bit nervous to give this to them. She's like Martha Stewart! Her cooking, her home, ahhhh, she excels. But I think this will just have to do. I am "over thinking" it as usual. So without further ado... Here it is!

(Please excuse the blurry photo!)????
She wouldn't let me show her cards, but here is what I came up with for a 40th anniversary card for our friends. I just love burgandy!
Got the cuttlebug out for this one and ran threw my stash of knick knacks and baubles for the heart. It didn't need much, I was going for simple and elegant. Because that is what the lady is to me. I am a bit nervous to give this to them. She's like Martha Stewart! Her cooking, her home, ahhhh, she excels. But I think this will just have to do. I am "over thinking" it as usual. So without further ado... Here it is!

(Please excuse the blurry photo!)????
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Nothing to do with crafting but...
Holy smokes! My "baby" has completed the third grade. THIRD GRADE!!! Where in the heck has the time gone? Please excuse the "mom freak out moment." I'll be back to carry on with crafting as soon as I spend a day or two playing with the kiddo and enjoying this wonderful age/stage that he's at now. I think today we'll go fishing.
And tomorrow we'll go for a nice long hike. Maybe see the falls?! I am ready to go have some fun.
And tomorrow we'll go for a nice long hike. Maybe see the falls?! I am ready to go have some fun.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
More crooked cards. Sorry! Really, I don't know what else to do about that scanner. Was the ceiling the best place he could have put it??? I love that man, but obviously he never uses the scanner. LOL!
This set has a cute little purse to go with it. But I don't have my camera chip with me so all I can show is the cards for now.
This set has a cute little purse to go with it. But I don't have my camera chip with me so all I can show is the cards for now.

Okay, I am not drunk...
It's just that my dh moved the scanner above my head and now I can't see to line it all up! Honest!!! I'll have to figure something else out because this is just not going to work. :) LOL!
Here is a set of six thank you cards that I made for a boxed gift set. All so similar. Just changed the embellie a bit on each. It was impossible to scan the box and my camera is packed away. So all you get is the cards tonight. Sorry!

Here is a set of six thank you cards that I made for a boxed gift set. All so similar. Just changed the embellie a bit on each. It was impossible to scan the box and my camera is packed away. So all you get is the cards tonight. Sorry!

Sunshine Award kind enough to think of me for the sunshine award. I cannot thank her enough. They are so exciting to receive. (They are to me anyway.) Makes me feel "special." LOL! And they always arrive with uncanny timing. Crazy! I needed this little pick me up today. Thank you Carri!

And to follow along with the rules, I get to pass it on to five other wonderful blogs. Check these out:
I follow a lot of blogs. I try to leave as many comments as possible because I know all the comments I get make me feel good. These women are great about coming here often and making my day. Check them out, they are sure to make your day as well! Hugs to all... Kristie

And to follow along with the rules, I get to pass it on to five other wonderful blogs. Check these out:
I follow a lot of blogs. I try to leave as many comments as possible because I know all the comments I get make me feel good. These women are great about coming here often and making my day. Check them out, they are sure to make your day as well! Hugs to all... Kristie
Creative Writer Award
All my random ramblings have caught the attention of our beloved Audrey at

Isn't she just a doll? Love her designs and her "can do" spirit. She always takes the time to comment on my blog and I just adore her! If you don't follow her already, I strongly suggest you go check her blog out. I guarantee you'll love it.
Thank you Audrey for this award. I love that you thought of me. :)
I am suppose to list 5 true thing about myself, so here they are:
I love coffee. Hot or iced --- it's yummy.
Love ice tea. Especially with mint.
Crazy for ooey gooey cinnamon rolls.
I still detest the eliptical machine at the sports center.
And I once won first place in a bubble gum bubble blowing contest.
Which of these statements are not true? :)
PHEW!!! Could you tell I really had to think on those?!
I'd like to pass it along to: (who happens to be a brand new follower (welcome!) you'll be amazed at her creations. Not to mention her patience?! How in the world can one DO that with paper and stay sane?)

Isn't she just a doll? Love her designs and her "can do" spirit. She always takes the time to comment on my blog and I just adore her! If you don't follow her already, I strongly suggest you go check her blog out. I guarantee you'll love it.
Thank you Audrey for this award. I love that you thought of me. :)
I am suppose to list 5 true thing about myself, so here they are:
I love coffee. Hot or iced --- it's yummy.
Love ice tea. Especially with mint.
Crazy for ooey gooey cinnamon rolls.
I still detest the eliptical machine at the sports center.
And I once won first place in a bubble gum bubble blowing contest.
Which of these statements are not true? :)
PHEW!!! Could you tell I really had to think on those?!
I'd like to pass it along to: (who happens to be a brand new follower (welcome!) you'll be amazed at her creations. Not to mention her patience?! How in the world can one DO that with paper and stay sane?)
Monday, June 14, 2010
Logger Retirement Card
First of all, please excuse my hands in the previous photos. I was/am being extremely lazy. I am wiped out. This weekend was a tough one. However, lots was accomplished and I feel great about that. :)
My mom came to me at the beginning of last week and asked what I had for stock on "retirement" cards. Now, I don't know about you, but I usually make cards with a specific person in mind when it comes to those (and sympathy) cards. Those are not ones I typically stock. But I asked her what she'd like and since I knew the person it was not difficult to get a flow going. Unfortunately my brain refused to cooperate when I hit a road block. What I ended up with was a pitiful excuse for a card. I hated everything about it. But as a mom, she decided to "love" it. Well, there was no way in HECK I was letting that go out the door with my name on it. I told her that I'd use the same principal but make a better card. --- Then the week goes by and I completely spaced remaking it. OOPS!!!
To say that we had a lot happening this weekend is putting it mildly. On top of it all I was in pain Saturday night and just waiting for the minutes to tick by so I could get up. When BAM!!! It hits me at 2:00 A.M that I forgot to remake that card. Now, was it the end of the world? NO. She could have went out and BOUGHT a card if it came down to it. Or I could have whipped one up first thing if I got right on it in the morning. But nope. I was laying there miserable anyway. Why not get up and DO something?!
So I ripped that old stinkin' card apart and got to work on this. I am fairly happy with the turn out. Of course its not perfect. I would have wanted perfect grass cuts instead of the crappy ones I got. But come on, it was 2 in the morning!!! Turns out we had a major (extended) family emergency on sunday and I would never had got the chance to remake the card had I waited. So I am glad that I got my buns up and got this far.

I ended up using the my community cartridge. I believe it was suppose to be a miner. But I cut the light off his hat and made his pick ax more into a regular wood cutting ax. I don't think its half bad myself. What do you think?
My mom came to me at the beginning of last week and asked what I had for stock on "retirement" cards. Now, I don't know about you, but I usually make cards with a specific person in mind when it comes to those (and sympathy) cards. Those are not ones I typically stock. But I asked her what she'd like and since I knew the person it was not difficult to get a flow going. Unfortunately my brain refused to cooperate when I hit a road block. What I ended up with was a pitiful excuse for a card. I hated everything about it. But as a mom, she decided to "love" it. Well, there was no way in HECK I was letting that go out the door with my name on it. I told her that I'd use the same principal but make a better card. --- Then the week goes by and I completely spaced remaking it. OOPS!!!
To say that we had a lot happening this weekend is putting it mildly. On top of it all I was in pain Saturday night and just waiting for the minutes to tick by so I could get up. When BAM!!! It hits me at 2:00 A.M that I forgot to remake that card. Now, was it the end of the world? NO. She could have went out and BOUGHT a card if it came down to it. Or I could have whipped one up first thing if I got right on it in the morning. But nope. I was laying there miserable anyway. Why not get up and DO something?!
So I ripped that old stinkin' card apart and got to work on this. I am fairly happy with the turn out. Of course its not perfect. I would have wanted perfect grass cuts instead of the crappy ones I got. But come on, it was 2 in the morning!!! Turns out we had a major (extended) family emergency on sunday and I would never had got the chance to remake the card had I waited. So I am glad that I got my buns up and got this far.
I ended up using the my community cartridge. I believe it was suppose to be a miner. But I cut the light off his hat and made his pick ax more into a regular wood cutting ax. I don't think its half bad myself. What do you think?
Thank you - Tea Pot
Now, if I had half a brain, I'd have remembered to take a picture of the lovely table setting I had a week ago when I invited my dear friend Andrea over for lunch. I hadn't seen her in FOREVER so I wanted to make her visit special. I pulled out my china and brewed a nice pot of tea and anxiously awaited her arrival. We had a ball! An impromptu tea party! --- She new nothing about my plan. But showed up with a lovely gift bag in hand. Inside, my favorite brand of tea!!! Man, I have great friends!
So this was a quick thank you for her. I used liquid glass for the front to give it a bit of shine and texture. Another friend of mine, Michelle, turned me onto that stuff. If you haven't tried it, DO!!! I love it. :)
Shutting up now. Here is the card:

So this was a quick thank you for her. I used liquid glass for the front to give it a bit of shine and texture. Another friend of mine, Michelle, turned me onto that stuff. If you haven't tried it, DO!!! I love it. :)
Shutting up now. Here is the card:
King of my castle
This card requires a little explanation. I had a few "projects" in the works and unfortunately I didn't clean up my workspace in between ending one and starting another. Hence my big error on this one. I don't really care for it inked like it is.I totally flubbed it up. Got it all done and went to stamp my signature in the back (Why would I even DO this??? My husband knows who I am?!) --- dragging the front through some ink in the process. ERRRR!!! Have you ever done that? Talk about irritated with myself. Instead of tossing it and starting over, I thought I'd just follow through with it and go all inky to cover it up. So, there it is. One inked up mess. :)

And here is a box that I made to put a part of his gift in:
And here is a box that I made to put a part of his gift in:
Thursday, June 10, 2010
If your wondering about inking, check out this site:
In case you haven't checked this site out yet.... DO!!! But I will warn you about it first. Yep... I am enabling! Her vid's are great and once I watched them, what did I go out and do??? Buy Tim's inks and a fantastix set. WHY oh WHY can I not be good? Goodness knows I have enough in my craftroom to entertain me for eons. But did that stop me? NO! So go check it out and see what you think. :)
Oh! And if you are following me (Thank You! Your comments mean so much!) I have tried to click on each of you individually and if there was a link, I have now signed up to follow each of you as well. I just love what I see! Ladies, your talent amazes me and I look forward to your creations. Thank you for sharing them with us.
Have a wonderful Thursday!
Oh! And if you are following me (Thank You! Your comments mean so much!) I have tried to click on each of you individually and if there was a link, I have now signed up to follow each of you as well. I just love what I see! Ladies, your talent amazes me and I look forward to your creations. Thank you for sharing them with us.
Have a wonderful Thursday!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Hmmm.... Can we say, super duper simple???
Sweet Treats
Again... :) Another favorite cartridge of mine. They are so fun!!!
(Oh, I also played a tiny bit with the cricut marker to write "chill.")I think I will want to do more with that... I liked not being stuck with only my selection of stamps.
Is anything I am writing making sense? Have you ever been so tired you just ramble???
Okay --- Sorry! Here it is:

(Oh, I also played a tiny bit with the cricut marker to write "chill.")I think I will want to do more with that... I liked not being stuck with only my selection of stamps.
Is anything I am writing making sense? Have you ever been so tired you just ramble???
Okay --- Sorry! Here it is:

Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Sweet Treats
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Way to go...
Not entirely sure that I pieced this correctly. But oh well! He's cute. :)
Obviously used the Robotz cartridge... LOL! Cut everything at 4".
This card goes to my nephew. AUNTIE IS SO PROUD OF YOU!!! (He won first place at his first motorcycle race!) He's only 5, so this is HUGE!!! I am so very sad I missed the big race but his momma was super and got all the action pics. So at least I got to "see" it that way. Love you Brock! Your so very special and I am so proud of you.
Obviously used the Robotz cartridge... LOL! Cut everything at 4".
This card goes to my nephew. AUNTIE IS SO PROUD OF YOU!!! (He won first place at his first motorcycle race!) He's only 5, so this is HUGE!!! I am so very sad I missed the big race but his momma was super and got all the action pics. So at least I got to "see" it that way. Love you Brock! Your so very special and I am so proud of you.

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