The rules in accepting this award are:
1. you must thank the person who passed it on to you,
2. copy award to your blog.
3. list three (3) things you love about yourself,
4. post a picture that you love on your blog, and
5. pass award on to five (5) others
First of all. More apologies. I have not been blogging alot this past week or so. Too much going on. A death in the family, a injured dog, internet issues, and its summer where there are so many activities going on, its almost impossible to juggle it all. So I am slow on getting this award up and forwarded. So sorry everyone!!! But I wanted to let Wendy know that just because it took me a week to post, it means a lot to me. Truly, it does. Everytime I get an award, I get that giddy feeling. The "wow, really?" - It amazes me all the time that people come here to check this site and leave such kind and wonderful comments. Each and every comment is treasured and brings a smile. Thank you all for being so kind to do so!
Now, on to the goods! A giant thank you again to Wendy at http://kingstonskreations.blogspot.com/ She is so awesome. You'll just love her amazing creations and quirky spirit. A true doll. GO SEE HER!!! You'll love it. I promise.
Three things I love about myself? Uh, now thats a hard one! I guess I would say that I love my good fortune of having a loving husband and wonderful son. I love my spirit/attitude. And, I love, um, my brown eyes? Does that sound silly or what? I don't love my eyes but I love my sons and he got the color from me. So there you go. How is that for RANDOM THOUGHTS?! Ha Ha Ha!
Here is a picture that I love:
This might seem like a dull picture to most. But for me, its special. This is my son and step dad together. They are the greatest buddies and the time they spend together is so wonderful. Even these "ordinary" moments. This is a man who was a dad to me when he didn't have to be. Actually, he was/is more than that. He's one of my best friends. He has his own daughter to be a dad to. And I had my own father. But this is the man that stepped in and me into the individual I am today and there are just no words for the gratitude and love I have for him. And now, I get to see him bonding with my son and being the best papa in the world. I am truly blessed by god for his presence in our lives.
And now to pass on to five others. This is always the most difficult because I think that everyone deserves one. So here goes: http://217creations.blogspot.com/
and last but not least is everyone who wants one!!! Come and grab it! Everyone deserves an award in my book. :) Have an awesome weekend.