Here is a little note card for a friend that I have been spending a lot of time with. She has been such an encouragement to get to the pool and work out. She's very positive and has such a neat perspective and outlook that I really enjoy our time together. So I pulled out Elegant Edges (again!) and created this for her as a small thank you.
Friday, August 19, 2011
A little note card
Here is a little note card for a friend that I have been spending a lot of time with. She has been such an encouragement to get to the pool and work out. She's very positive and has such a neat perspective and outlook that I really enjoy our time together. So I pulled out Elegant Edges (again!) and created this for her as a small thank you.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Happy Birthday Cupcake!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Does this look like a birthday card? Nope not really. But I was going for "your not antique, your timeless." Grams is turning 86 and is feeling a bit old and lonely. A little left out as she watches us hustle and bustle to and fro. So I wanted to do this card to let her know that she's not old. She's timeless, in fact priceless. Not to compare her to a chair, but to compare her to a chair... LOL! She's aged, but sturdy, useful, and comforting. The one that we always go to and curl up in. Her love has always enveloped us. Just like a good chair. :) So there you go folks, I have now lost it and have started comparing people to furniture. With any luck, I will committed by the end of the year!
I used the new Sophisticated cartridge for this one and some paper that had that fuzzy embossing on it? I love the texture of it! I topped it off by sewing a pillow to toss on the chair edge to add some dimension. Enjoy!
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
School Supply Shopping? Um, no....
Monday, August 15, 2011
We go together like Strawberry & Chocolate!
Happy 13th Anniversary to me and the hubs. Yep, 13 years by my calendar. 17 if you ask my hubs. HA! But really folks he finally did the math and we came up with the same number. OY! I bet it FEELS more like 20. But for the sake of accuracy, its the big 1 3...
Now, on to the card. Sweet treats baby! This is such a delicious cartridge don't you think? I am not sure how well you can see it but I used liquid glass on the cup. Sprayed some shimmer mist on the scoops because it just needed to sparkle and appear a bit cold and frosty. Then used liqued applique for the whipped topping. Blinged the cherry up with a spot of liquid pearls. Used liquid pearls for the sprinkles as well. Lots of colorful deliciousness in this one.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Accordian Album
Heres a fun little accordian album. Nothing too fancy to get my groove back on. I wanted to keep it very simple and without alot of embellishments. I don't know this ladies grandkids but she has been doing a lot for me and talks about them all the time. They recently went to the zoo together so I quickly made this up so she can put some of those photos from her trip on her mantle or elsewhere in her house to make her smile. Its just some covered grungeboard cut into slight arches, punched eyelets for sturdiness, and joined by mismatching ribbon for color and fun.
Hope you peeps had a fantastic weekend. I know I did!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
I went shopping!
And came home with these... :)
Which doesn't make sense to me or my ten year old who said "Um, mom... Why are you buying these when you don't even craft anymore?"
Good point kiddo. But I was in a craft store. We're talking months of withdrawl here. How could I just walk out? And WHY haven't you ladies kept me up to date on all the fun carts coming out? SHAME ON YOU!

Which doesn't make sense to me or my ten year old who said "Um, mom... Why are you buying these when you don't even craft anymore?"
Good point kiddo. But I was in a craft store. We're talking months of withdrawl here. How could I just walk out? And WHY haven't you ladies kept me up to date on all the fun carts coming out? SHAME ON YOU!
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Not sure if anyone missed me or not but I shut down my blog for a few weeks in a effort to regain some much needed perspective. Have you ever been so overwhelmed that instead of doing more, you just shut down?
Well, that is what happened to me. I finally got a diagnosis for some issues I have been having. And that was a huge relief. To know that I am not going crazy was a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. I am not going insane! YEAH!!! Thats always good news don't you think?
Anyhoooo... What in the world does this have to do with a crafting blog??? - I am getting to that. LOL! So with a diagnosis, I got meds. Lots of meds. Okay. Big adjustment for a girl that has problems swallowing as simple as vitamins. :) Then came the extra appointments. Overwhelming amounts of appointments. To add some additional chaos, lets throw in exercising five nights a week shall we? Ugh. Are you KIDDING ME?! I can't move without shrieking and you want me to exercise? Alrighty then. Stupid doctors. LOL! Off to the pool I go. Every stinkin' evening. You'd think I'd be a size 6 by now. (Okay, its only been a couple weeks so maybe I need my expectations adjusted a bit.) SOOOOO lets wrap this up shall we? In a nut shell, I have been preoccupied, over extended, and overwhelmed. Which leaves my craft room vacant and dust accumulating. Bottom line - no cards, no layouts, no crafts. Nada to show you peeps.

So instead of crying about it and whining, thought I'd get a new perspective and a new sense of reality. Opened back up my blog and thought I'd just share with you that I am here. And I will post when I can. Please feel free to keep following me. As I feel better and get more acquainted with juggling things,I will be posting more often.
Hugs to all of you. Thank you for your support and understanding ~ 2 ducky :)
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