That might not mean much to some, but to me, it was a BIG day. It was stocking day. Not stalking day... STOCKING day. LOL! Which means, that box that arrived a week ago could finally be OPENED!!! You know, the one that had only a return address but no name? What kind of circle sister would be so cruel as to not even hint at a name? Well, I'll tell you who... It was the most coolest circle sis ever!!! That would be Lori aka She spoiled me! Wanna see? Huh, do ya? (Insert big ol' goofy grin here please)

Pretty neat huh? I was so excited I screamed. Very glad that no one was home at the time or I'd probably be making my way to Salem right now and placed in one of those white padded rooms.
Besides all the goodies, she enclosed a lovely notecard and a family pic. Thats a true treasure right there! Letting me see into her life. Not just her crafty side but her fam side too. I felt pretty special to be included in that. And the personal note, well, that was just so touching! Lori, I really want to thank you. I loved it all. And on your blog you said something that really rang true, it really was like meeting a friend. Thank you so much for being mine. Huge hugs and Merry Christmas!
On other notes: What an evening too! Got to spend it at the mall with a friend. I felt like I was 16 again. Okay not really. But I think that was the last time I "hung out" at the mall. Hee Hee! We did some shoppin' and browsing. Just a wonderful and relaxing time. I am lovin' the holidays this year. Not crafting a bit, but you'll forgive me eventually right? Have a fantastic evening ya'll!