We are brought to you today by the letter D. D as in DINOSAUR! At first I thought "Oy, what the bumpkins am I going to do with THAT page?!" Then as I worried and fretted - nothing came flying to my brain to save the day. Then all of a sudden BAM! Just like Emeril Lagasse and his shot of "BAM" it hit me upside my knoggin. A table scape! I have to admit, I was having a ball making this. I was hot gluing like a mad woman. I didn't "have" to use all the images. But I do believe I did. Why? Because it was FUN! Then a couple days later I needed to make a card for a friend and what did I come up with??? A girl dino card. I wanted to show you that "dinosaurs" aren't just for boys. They aren't just for layouts or one time usage. They are for girls and parties. Really the possiblities are endless.
So enough of my yappin. I will bring you the goods. Turn to page 35 of the Paper Doll Dress Up cartridge and lets get this show on the road!
What I did: Cut the volcano out at 4.75" using espresso and tomato colored paper. Cut them
4 times each. Yes 4. That isn't a typo. Grab a paper cup any size will do. If it ends up too tall just lop off the bottom or top. Which ever. Maybe the top so you have a nice even bottom. Don't want a wonky bottom!
Layer the cuts so that they go all the way around the cup. Slightly overlapping each other. Hot glue when you got everything where you want it. Then add the hot lava. For added fun, use some red applique and puff those babies up with your embossing gun. Watch your fingers! It may not be real lava but thats real heat coming out of the embossing gun. My finger got too close and boy howdy did I pay attention after that.
Glue the tops of the lava flow to the volcano where you think it looks good. Then get some red tulle out of the cupboard and add some of that so it looks like its spewing out the top of the mountain. If I had orange, I would have mixed some of that in with the red. But oh well. It looks good all red too.
Next cut an 11" circle out of green paper. I guess you could use brown too. Whatever! I'm easy. Just don't be spreading that around... ;) I used the Plantin cartridge for the circle but lots of carts have that feature. Or use your MS circle maker if you have that. Shoot, cut a square. I don't care!
The plants were cut out at 3.5" using the auto fill feature. Chalk them up a bit if you'd like. Then cut slits in the circle large enough for the plant bases to slide thru. Fold them ends under and tape or glue them. Add a lil' bit of glue on the top side if they go wonky. Mine didn't at first, but after a few days I had to add some glue topside. (Lesson here is to take pictures as soon as project is finished!)
Cut a triceratops out of whatever color you want. Flip the image and cut again. Why twice? Because you want to be able to see a complete centerpiece from EVERY angle. I cut my tricerotop at 2.5"
Ditto with Mr. Stegasaurus. only I cut him at 3.75" After assembly of these guys I fashioned a .25" strip of paper and bent it in half. Inserted it between the dino's feet before I glued the sides together. Leaving a little "stem" poking out under them. Cut a slit in the circle and poke the stem thru. Glue and your thru. They are standing and roaming feroucious creatures. Meandering the bushes while they wait for eminent death from the spewing volcano. Ha!
Now raid your bbq stash for a wooden skewer. Cut two teradactyls (flip one!) and sandwich together while remember to glue the skewer inbetween the sandwich. The girl was cut at 4". I used the peachy keen face stamp PK490. And added a purse from page 38 accessory #3.
Add googly eyes to all the creatures because its not a fun project unless you have googlies. Then you are done! Phew! That is the most descriptive entry I think I have ever made.
Now on to the card. We'll keep it short and sweet. I used the sweet shack paper stack from dcwv. Cut it at 4.25 x 5.75. Use coordinating cardstock accordingly. Typed sentiment says "you're going to make a 'dino-mite' big sister." Cut dino's at 3.75" and another one at 2.75." I added a bow to the baby for fun and painted their toes with black smooch.

DONE. Now go check out the other stupendous and wonderfully fun projects from my new pals. If you can, leave them comments. We all thrive on our comments don't we? Keeps us going. LOL!
Hugs to you all. I'll try to stop by tomorrow and leave YOU ladies some long overdo love as well. And if anyone figures out how to add more hours in a day, please share how you did it with me.
Here are the awesome takes from my new friends: