Thank you Jean from
http://jeanscraftycorner.blogspot.com/ and
http://4goofballs.blogspot.com/who both gave me this award. I am very honored that they thought to bestow this gift to me.
To accept this award you must list 5 reasons why you like crafting, pass it on to 5 others, post the award on your sidebar, and recognize the creator of award and link back to her blog which would be:
http://gracenotes4today.blogspot.com/Five Reasons I like to craft are as follows:
1.) Its my "me" time.
2.) It is a great way to express myself.
3.) Anyone can do it! So I like to use it as an excuse to invite over friends.
4.) My hubby built me a room just for crafting, I guess thats reason enough. I can't very well play pool out there!
5.) I like having a hobby that gets me away from nascar and football. :) LOL!
The lucky five to get this award from me (in no particular order)are as follows:
http://scrapaholicjen.blogspot.com/http://www.justyolie.com/http://scrap-obsessed.blogspot.com/http://cricutinspiration.blogspot.com/http://sandyfromukiah.blogspot.comThank you ladies for sharing your inspiration with us every day.:)

From Scrappinfrog @
http://lovnmystuff.blogspot.com/A special thank you for the lieber award from my froggy friend at lovin my stuff. Also known as the green chic. :)
The Liebster Blog award is given to bring new blogs to light. It's a great way to share blogs that might not otherwise be seen or ones you want to share with others.
How great is this? I have been blogging for a year and its been a trial. I am so not computer savvy and I fight for the time to create and post. But I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for checking in from time to time and commenting. Those are treasured and keeps me going! There are so many amazing blogs. But its especially tough for those just starting out. Lets show some love!---- Um, okay. I was going to promote new blogs, but I don't know of any! Everyone is far more established than I could ever be! Shoot. I guess I'll just post 3 that I go to alot. Will that work?
The 3 that I chose are:

Is from
http://www.leiradcardmakingcorner.blogspot.com/ I've been following her for quite awhile, but not sure how she stumbled on to me. I am usually too shy to post to her site. Lots of great stuff there! Thank you for following me and also for thinking I have style. I am truly touched.
If I understand it right, I need to list seven random things about myself and pass it on to five other people. So here it goes...
1.) I 'am' random.
2.) French Silk pie from the Wildplum is my most favorite pie in the world.
3.) I like red lipstick.
4.) I think copper is an overlooked color, but I love it.
5.) I prefer silver jewelry to gold.
6.) I like rings better than necklaces.
7.) I love the banana's the most out of all the runt candies.
And passing it on will be a breeze. Check out these lovely ones!
http://disneydreamerdesigns.blogspot.com/http://thegreenbeanscrafterole.blogspot.com/http://cuteandsome.blogspot.com/2011/03/embroidered-wedding-gift.htmlhttp://doubleclickconnections.blogspot.com/http://flowerdiscosscraphut.blogspot.com/What can I say? I think I've given each of these blogs awards before, but I love them! Everyone deserves these treasures. So if you are not listed, GRAB IT ANYWAYS!!! I'd be honored to pass it along to ALL OF YOU!
Thank you to all my new and old followers. Your designs, your creativity, and humor, lightens my days and inspires me daily. Hugs, Kristie