Monday, January 17, 2011

Jukebox for under $10.00 :)

Did I need a jukebox? No. But when I was in another town over the weekend playing in the snow, I stopped off at a local scrapbook store and found one for $9.99 ---- SWEET! I could use one if its under ten for sure! I was completely giddy with my excitement. I just love deals! They had a bunch of other stuff on sale but I managed to reign myself in. Afterall, my guys were waiting in the car. How much damage could a girl do?

Have you ever seen "supermarket sweep?" LOL! Well, I gave it my best shot and managed to walk out of there with some additional goodies. But no big scores like the juke.

Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend like I did!


  1. That's great!! I just got one, and was tempted to go look for a second but I thought, enough! It's so hard to resist though, I might have to check my local Ms on my lunch hour today...

  2. great! I have contemplated these past few years to get a juke or not. Figured one more thing on my crafting table may not fit - but if I saw it for 10.00 like you - sure would grab it!
    thanks for the comment about my search. Someone suggest that I try ebay! thanks

  3. I am on a scrapbook diet, which means no shopping for me but i love to see what you and others score at the stores!!!

  4. You are so funny.. glad you had a fun time and got such a super deal..

  5. OMG, I could NEVER reign myself in -- guys in the car or not!!! LOL!

    Great deal, I paid full price for both of mine!!! But I've had them for over a year or so too!!!

  6. i am assuming you did not have one, right? ;p

  7. This is awesome! I bet you find that you use it more than you ever thought! I love a good deal! Especially when you get it and I can live the "good deal" high vicariously through you! :)
